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Cefihgu Publications
Andres Perez Arribas
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Andres Perez Arribas
abanades (gu)
Porticoed atrium, parish church.
Andres Perez Arribas
Alcocer (GU)
Central nave, parish church of the Assumption.
Andres Perez Arribas
abanades (gu)
Porticoed atrium, parish church.
Andres Perez Arribas
Alcocer (GU)
North transept nave, Asunción parish church.
Andres Perez Arribas
abanades (gu)
Porticoed atrium detail, parish church.
Andres Perez Arribas
alcocer (GU)
Central nave, parish church of the Assumption.
Andres Perez Arribas
alcocer (GU)
Chapel of the Sendines, parish church of the Assumption.
Andres Perez Arribas
alcocer (GU)
Cemetery, central promenade.
Andres Perez Arribas
alcocer (GU)
Transept or interior transept, parish church of the Assumption.
Andres Perez Arribas
alcocer (GU)
Transept or interior transept, parish church of the Assumption.
Andres Perez Arribas
alcocer (GU)
Transept or interior transept, parish church of the Assumption.
Andres Perez Arribas
alcocer (GU)
Transept or interior transept, parish church of the Assumption.
Andres Perez Arribas
alcocer (GU)
Transept or interior transept, parish church of the Assumption.
Andres Perez Arribas
Campisábalos (GU)
Apse window, church.
Andres Perez Arribas
alcocer (GU)
Plan, parish church of Asunción.
Andres Perez Arribas
Campisábalos (GU)
Church front.
Andres Perez Arribas
North cover, parish church of the Assumption.
Andres Perez Arribas
majaelrayo (GU)
View of the town with the snow-capped Ocejón peak.
Andres Perez Arribas
alcocer (GU)
Capitals cover, parish church of the Assumption.
Andres Perez Arribas
valdeavellano (GU)
Apse detail, parish church.
Andres Perez Arribas
alcocer (GU)
Gothic central nave, parish church of the Assumption.
Andres Perez Arribas
Bust, Monastery
Andres Perez Arribas
abanades (GU)
Porticoed atrium, parish church.
Andres Perez Arribas
alcocer (GU)
Household goods and tombs in the Buendía reservoir.
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