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Cefihgu Publications
Andres Perez Arribas
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Andres Perez Arribas
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Adolescent Virgin with Amphora, comes from Alustante. Diocesan Museum of Art of Sigüenza.
Andres Perez Arribas
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San Vicente Ferrer, comes from the Episcopal Palace of Sigüenza. Diocesan Museum of Art of Sigüenza.
Andres Perez Arribas
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Diocesan Museum of Art of Sigüenza.
Andres Perez Arribas
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San Sebastián, comes from Anchuela del Pedregal. Diocesan Museum of Art of Sigüenza.
Andres Perez Arribas
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San Sebastian, comes from Chera. Diocesan Museum of Art of Sigüenza.
Andres Perez Arribas
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Diocesan Museum of Art of Sigüenza.
Andres Perez Arribas
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Romanesque Virgin carving, from Matas (Ures). Diocesan Museum of Art of Sigüenza.
Andres Perez Arribas
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Child Jesus, comes from Torremocha del Pinar. Diocesan Museum of Art of Sigüenza.
Andres Perez Arribas
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Child Jesus, comes from Villacadima. Diocesan Museum of Art of Sigüenza.
Andres Perez Arribas
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Gothic carving of the Virgin Mary in polychrome wood. XV century. Diocesan Museum of Art of Sigüenza.
Andres Perez Arribas
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Cathedral. Tomb of Mr. Martín Vázquez de Arce, "El Doncel de Sigüenza".
Andres Perez Arribas
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Cathedral. Tomb of Mr. Martín Vázquez de Arce, "El Doncel de Sigüenza".
Andres Perez Arribas
Palazuelos (GU)
San Roque and San Juan Bautista.
Andres Perez Arribas
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Cathedral. Tomb of Mr. Martín Vázquez de Arce, "El Doncel de Sigüenza".
Andres Perez Arribas
Palazuelos (GU)
Andres Perez Arribas
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Cathedral. Tomb of Mr. Martín Vázquez de Arce, "El Doncel de Sigüenza".
Andres Perez Arribas
pastrana (GU)
Ivory Christ and detail of a Flemish tapestry, in the Collegiate Church.
Andres Perez Arribas
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Cathedral. Tomb of Mr. Martín Vázquez de Arce, "El Doncel de Sigüenza".
Andres Perez Arribas
jadraque pinilla (GU)
Relief detail.
Andres Perez Arribas
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Cathedral. Tomb, in the cathedral, of Cardinal Carrillo de Albornoz.
Andres Perez Arribas
jadraque pinilla (GU)
Painting, table.
Andres Perez Arribas
stilts (GU)
Figure in alabaster representing Adam, by the Master of Pozancos, transferred to the Diocesan Museum of Art in Sigüenza.
Andres Perez Arribas
stilts (GU)
Figure in alabaster representing Eva, by the Master of Pozancos, transferred to the Diocesan Museum of Art in Sigüenza.
Andres Perez Arribas
stores (GU)
White Virgin or of the Dove, Gothic carving in white alabaster, from the Monastery of Bonaval.
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