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Cefihgu Publications
Latorre and Vegas Photographic Collection
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Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
? (gu)
Spectators of a running of the bulls attending a parade of rejones
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
? (gu)
Spectators of a running of the bulls in a town, during the festivities
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
? (gu)
Bullfight in a town, during the festivities. Many of the spectators cover themselves with umbrellas.
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
? (gu)
Bullfight in a town, during the festivities. Two men take shelter from the bull on a ladder leaning on the fountain in the square
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
? (gu)
Lockdown in a town, during the holidays. Some young people take shelter from the bull by taking advantage of the fountain in the plaza
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
? (gu)
Rejones and bull killed in the confinement of a town festival. Spectators with umbrellas.
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
? (gu)
Killed bull in the confinement of a village festival.
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
? (gu)
Spectators of a running of the bulls in a town, during the festivities
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
? (gu)
Lockdown in a town, during the holidays. Some young people take shelter from the bull by taking advantage of the fountain in the plaza
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
? (gu)
Lockdown in a town, during the holidays. Some young people take shelter from the bull by taking advantage of the fountain in the plaza
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
Stork nest next to km 51 of the Madrid - Guadalajara highway
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
Stork nest next to km 51 of the Madrid - Guadalajara highway
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
crags (gu)
Entrepeñas Reservoir.
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
Mill of Aragon (gu)
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
Mill of Aragon (gu)
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
Mill of Aragon (gu)
Moment of the bullfight in which a group of ladies with mantillas take a drive around the square.
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
Mill of Aragon (gu)
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
Mill of Aragon (gu)
Moment of a bullfight in which the animal is taken out of the bullring, while two photographers immortalize it.
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
Mill of Aragon (gu)
Moment of the bullfight in which a group of ladies with mantillas take a drive around the square.
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
Mill of Aragon (gu)
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
PIOZ (gu)
Pioz Castle.
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
PIOZ (gu)
Pioz Castle.
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
PIOZ (gu)
Pioz Castle.
Cortijo Ballester Photographic Fund
PIOZ (gu)
Pioz Castle.
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