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Cefihgu Publications
Jose Serrano Belinchon
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Jose Serrano Belinchon
necked (gu)
Partial view.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
necked (gu)
Plaza Mayor with public fountain and façade of the palace of the Dukes of Medinaceli.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
sierra apiary (gu)
Street with typical popular mountain architecture.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
shell (gu)
Plaza Mayor with public fountain.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
condemios below (gu)
Main Square.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
condemios from above (gu)
Main Square.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
congostrin (gu)
Plaza Mayor with great olma.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
copernal (gu)
Plaza Mayor, with a public fountain and the Town Hall building.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
corcoles (gu)
Partial view.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
corcoles (gu)
Gate of the Cirtercian Monastery of Monsalud.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
hearty (gu)
Plaza Mayor with public fountain and City Hall building.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
cordent (gu)
Ravine and sanctuary of the Virgen de la Hoz.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
Rattan (gu)
Plaza Mayor with pillory.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
newcastle (gu)
Farmhouse and castle.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
middle trays (gu)
Plaza Mayor and parish church of San Pedro.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
stepfather's slops (gu)
Sanctuary of Our Lady of Valbuena.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
tower ridges (gu)
Main Square.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
hundredth (gu)
Partial view.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
fence (gu)
Main Square.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
cherry (gu)
Plaza Mayor with public fountain.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
mohernando cherry (gu)
Detail of the plateresque doorway of the parish church of Santa María de la Piedad.
Jose Serrano Belinchon
cifuentes (gu)
"The Raft".
Jose Serrano Belinchon
cifuentes (gu)
"Viewpoint in the Plaza de la Provincia".
Jose Serrano Belinchon
cillas (gu)
Plaza Mayor with public fountain.
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