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Cefihgu Publications
Layna Serrano
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Layna Serrano
Helena (GU)
"Beleña Bridge over the Sorbe River".
Layna Serrano
Shaddad (GU)
"Interior of the Romanesque chapel of Caballero San Galindo".
Layna Serrano
Shaddad (GU)
carved frieze. Chapel of San Galindo.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Main portal of the church of Santa María del Rey, S. XII.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
"Parade of the Horse of Atienza".
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
"Apse of the parish of the Trinity, S. XII".
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Custody of the church of the Trinity, work of Francisco Artacho, S. XVII.
Layna Serrano
Henbane del sorbe (GU)
Romanesque doorway with the agricultural or mensary calendar, parish church of San Miguel.
Layna Serrano
cook (gu)
Tower of the parish church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
A typical couple.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
The castle seen from the Padrastro hill.
Layna Serrano
Anguita (gu)
Partial view of the town.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Interior of the church of San Bartolomé.
Layna Serrano
Helena (GU)
Descent from Beleña to the Sorbe plain.
Layna Serrano
Anguita (gu)
Partial view of the town.
Layna Serrano
sayaton (GU)
Anguix Castle.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Interior of the church of San Juan del Mercado, S. XVII.
Layna Serrano
sayathon (GU)
Anguix Castle.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Interior of the church of the Trinity, S. XVI.
Layna Serrano
arbeteta (gu)
Castle from Northwest.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Cover of the chapel of Cristo de Atienza in the parish of San Bartolomé.
Layna Serrano
arbeteta (gu)
Castle from the South.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Altarpiece of the chapel of Cristo de Atienza in the parish of San Bartolomé.
Layna Serrano
Logroño (it)
The walls.
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