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Cefihgu Publications
Layna Serrano
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Layna Serrano
Shaddad (GU)
Lateral facade of the Romanesque parish church.
Layna Serrano
Brihuega (GU)
Cover of the church of San Felipe.
Layna Serrano
Bujarrabal (GU)
Main altarpiece, parish church.
Layna Serrano
Brihuega (GU)
Entrance to the town.
Layna Serrano
Bujarrabal (GU)
Main altarpiece, parish church.
Layna Serrano
Brihuega (GU)
Arch or door of Cozagón.
Layna Serrano
Bujarrabal (GU)
Vault and main altarpiece, parish church.
Layna Serrano
Brihuega (GU)
Arch or door of Cozagón.
Layna Serrano
Brihuega (GU)
Partial view of the town.
Layna Serrano
Brihuega (GU)
"Torrentera at the foot of the castle".
Layna Serrano
Brihuega (GU)
Partial view of the town.
Layna Serrano
Campillo de Duenas (GU)
Southern side of the castle of Zafra.
Layna Serrano
Brihuega (GU)
General view.
Layna Serrano
Brihuega (GU)
"Brihuega from the Tajuña Valley".
Layna Serrano
Brihuega (GU)
Arco de Cozagón, one of the entrances to the town from the Camino de Aragón.
Layna Serrano
Brihuega (GU)
Peñabermeja Castle - Apse of the chapel called the Tower of the Infanta Zelima.
Layna Serrano
Brihuega (GU)
Peñabermeja Castle - Apse of the chapel called the Tower of the Infanta Zelima. 13th century.
Layna Serrano
Brihuega (GU)
Chapel in the castle.
Layna Serrano
Goodsource (GU)
"Choir of the monastery of nuns of Buenafuente".
Layna Serrano
Bujarrabal (GU)
Detail of the main altarpiece, parish church.
Layna Serrano
Bujarrabal (GU)
Detail of the main altarpiece, parish church.
Layna Serrano
Sorbet henbane (GU)
Detail of the Romanesque doorway with the agricultural or mensary calendar, parish church of San Miguel.
Layna Serrano
Sorbet henbane (GU)
Second Gil "Botarga de Beleña de Sorbe".
Layna Serrano
Bocigano (GU)
General view, in the background the town.
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