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Cefihgu Publications
Layna Serrano
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Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Apse of the convent of San Francisco, in ruins.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
"The suburb of Puerta Caballos (in the background, the town wall, castle and the Padrastro hill to the left)".
Layna Serrano
Aunon (GU)
Auñón Roman bridge over the Tagus river.
Layna Serrano
Henbane del sorbe (GU)
Romanesque doorway with the agricultural or mensary calendar, parish church of San Miguel.
Layna Serrano
Helena del Sorbe (GU)
"Doña Urraca's door"
Layna Serrano
Helena del Sorbe (GU)
"The Beleña bridge over the Sorbe river".
Layna Serrano
Helena del Sorbe (GU)
"The narrow course of the Sorbe river, between rocks, in the background remains of the castle and walls".
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
"Tabernacle of the main altar of Santa María del Rey".
Layna Serrano
Helena del Sorbe (GU)
Sorbé river.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
"Rock on which the castle can be seen."
Layna Serrano
Helena del Sorbe (GU)
"The Sorbe river seen from the castle of Beleña".
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
"Remains of the arch or war door".
Layna Serrano
Helena del Sorbe (GU)
"Ascent to Beleña from the Sorbe bridge".
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Gothic window and door of the Posada del Cordón.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Reservoir of the Castle.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
House parish of the Trinity.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
A typical street with the castle in the background.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
A typical alley.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
General view of the town.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
General view of the town, in the foreground lots of crops.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Parochial cross of San Gil, today in the church of San Juan, S.XVIII.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
"Remains of the gate or war arch".
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Brotherhood meeting. horse.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
"Remains of the gate or war arch".
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