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Cefihgu Publications
Layna Serrano
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Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Brotherhood meeting. horse.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
"Remains of the gate or war arch".
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Brotherhood meeting. horse.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Detail of a side altarpiece of the church of Santa María del Rey.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
The procession of the pilgrimage of the horse.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
General view of the town.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Public act in the Plaza del Trigo or del Mercado.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Custody of the church of the Trinity, work of Francisco Artacho. XVII century.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Church of Saint John.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Primitive cover of the church of Santa María del Rey (cemetery) with bilingual inscription, which states that it was raised by Alfonso the Battler.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Interior of the church of San Bartolomé.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Interior of the church of San Juan del Mercado.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Interior of the church of San Juan del Mercado, 17th century.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Interior of the church of San Juan del Mercado, 17th century.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Interior of the church of Santa María del Rey, 17th century.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Interior of the church of the Trinity, 16th century.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Horse marching towards the Estrella hermitage.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Interior of the church of the Trinity, S. XVI.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Partial view of the walls and castle.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Interior of the church of the Trinity, S. XVI.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
General view from the south.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Interior of the church of the Trinity, S. XVI.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Exterior courtyard of the castle, from the East gate, Francisco Layna and his wife Carmen Bueno.
Layna Serrano
Atienza (gu)
Partial view of the Chapel of the Conception, Church of the Trinity (Rococo style, 18th century).
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