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Cefihgu Publications
Thomas Camarillo
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Thomas Camarillo
Sacedon (GU)
The Tagus downstream.
Thomas Camarillo
Alhondiga (GU)
Harvest girl.
Thomas Camarillo
Alocen (GU)
Waiting for the round
Thomas Camarillo
Mantiel (GU)
Fountain and public laundry.
Thomas Camarillo
Round Meadows (GU)
Church and exterior pulpit, known as La Torreta.
Thomas Camarillo
Alcolea del Pinar (GU)
Lino Bueno (died in June 1935. The patient worker who for 27 years carved his house into the rock, at times lost in Alcolea del Pinar.
Thomas Camarillo
Round Meadows (GU)
Reliquary of the Holy Thorn.
Thomas Camarillo
Alcolea del Pinar (GU)
Stone house in Alcolea del Pinar. Main floor bedroom.
Thomas Camarillo
Round Meadows (GU)
Main altarpiece.
Thomas Camarillo
Alcolea del Pinar (GU)
Casa de Piedra, home to the kitchen.
Thomas Camarillo
Pinilla de Molina (GU)
Partial view and type.
Thomas Camarillo
Algora (GU)
A celtiberian, neighbor of the town.
Thomas Camarillo
arbancon (gu)
A village street with popularly built houses: arcades, carved eaves, stone lintels,...
Thomas Camarillo
Fuencemillan (GU)
Field guard.
Thomas Camarillo
Vinuelas (GU)
Chalice from the parish church, work of the silversmith Juan Francisco, 16th century.
Thomas Camarillo
Majaelrayo (GU)
Parish Church of San Juan Bautista and typical houses of "black architecture".
Thomas Camarillo
Malacuera (GU)
Two village elders.
Thomas Camarillo
Alustant (GU)
Villager. Guy.
Thomas Camarillo
Campillo de Duenas (gu)
General view of the castle of Zafra.
Thomas Camarillo
Campillo de Duenas (GU)
Tower of Homage of the castle of Zafra.
Thomas Camarillo
Corbpriest (gu)
General view.
Thomas Camarillo
Cubillejo de la Sierra (GU)
Church street.
Thomas Camarillo
Saelices de la Sal (GU)
A rich landowner, with his typical mountain attire.
Thomas Camarillo
Mazaret (GU)
Save inspecting the resin in the pine forest.
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