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Cefihgu Publications
Thomas Camarillo
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Thomas Camarillo
Puebla de Valles (GU)
Embroidered fabric of imagery, work of the 16th century. parish church.
Thomas Camarillo
Puebla de Valles (gu)
General view of the town.
Thomas Camarillo
Razbona (GU)
Entrance to the town from the road.
Thomas Camarillo
Razbona (GU)
Natural landscape and road.
Thomas Camarillo
Razbona (GU)
Our Lady with the Child, polychrome wood, 17th century. Original lost.
Thomas Camarillo
Razbona (GU)
Neighbors of the town after a long night when coming to the aid of the occupants of a car that plunged into the ravine.
Thomas Camarillo
Razbona (GU)
General view of the town from the road.
Thomas Camarillo
Restores (GU)
The town settled in a small valley that comes down from the Ocejón mountains.
Thomas Camarillo
Restores (GU)
Windows of the apse of the Cistercian monastery of Bonaval, founded in 1164 by Alfonso VIII.
Thomas Camarillo
The Honey (gu)
General view of the town.
Thomas Camarillo
Restores (GU)
Ruins of the Cistercian monastery of Bonaval, founded in 1164 by Alfonso VIII.
Thomas Camarillo
Monastery (gu)
General view.
Thomas Camarillo
Restores (GU)
Ruins of the Cistercian monastery of Bonaval, founded in 1164 by Alfonso VIII.
Thomas Camarillo
Majaelrayo (GU)
Parish Church of San Juan Bautista and typical houses of "black architecture".
Thomas Camarillo
campillejo (gu)
General view of the town. Typical houses of "black architecture" and church in the background.
Thomas Camarillo
Malaga from Fresno (GU)
Virgin with child. Image of the S. XII. parish church.
Thomas Camarillo
Malaga from Fresno (GU)
typical street.
Thomas Camarillo
Malaguilla (GU)
Monstrance with a cubic body and wide base, in embossed silver, end of the 16th century. Parish Church of Our Lady of the Valley.
Thomas Camarillo
Blondkiller (GU)
Christ of Agony, 16th century. Original lost.
Thomas Camarillo
Blondkiller (GU)
Parish Church of San Sebastián, 16th century.
Thomas Camarillo
Blondkiller (gu)
General view.
Thomas Camarillo
Quince (GU)
Types in the Plaza Mayor.
Thomas Camarillo
Quince (GU)
Landscape of the Bornoba river, in the vicinity of the town.
Thomas Camarillo
Humanes of Mohernando (GU)
Main altarpiece. Church of San Esteban.
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