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Cefihgu Publications
Thomas Camarillo
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Thomas Camarillo
Riba de Saelices (gu)
Natural landscape, with curious monolithic rock forms, in the "valley of miracles".
Thomas Camarillo
Peralveche (GU)
The road near the village.
Thomas Camarillo
Riba de Saelices (gu)
Natural landscape, with curious monolithic rock forms, in the "valley of miracles".
Thomas Camarillo
Peralveche (gu)
General view of the town.
Thomas Camarillo
Riba de Saelices (gu)
General view of the town.
Thomas Camarillo
Hench (GU)
General view of the town.
Thomas Camarillo
Hortezuela de Océn (GU)
Church street.
Thomas Camarillo
Hortezuela de Océn (GU)
Main altarpiece, in the parish, 17th century.
Thomas Camarillo
Hortezuela de Océn (GU)
General view of the town.
Thomas Camarillo
Huertahernando (GU)
Tagüenza Bridge over the Tagus River. With a single span, semicircular arch and founded on the rock of the margins.
Thomas Camarillo
Huertahernando (GU)
Natural landscape, Tagus river.
Thomas Camarillo
Huertahernando (GU)
Tagüenza Bridge over the Tagus River. With a single span, semicircular arch and founded on the rock of the margins.
Thomas Camarillo
Huertahernando (gu)
General view.
Thomas Camarillo
The Entrepenas. Hellmouth.
Thomas Camarillo
The Hill (GU)
Natural landscape.
Thomas Camarillo
Mantiel (GU) / gualda ?
Solana Bridge. Missing. Between Durón and Mantiel. It saved the Tagus river at the foot of the place known as "Las Covatillas", currently flooded by the Entrepeñas reservoir.
Thomas Camarillo
The Hill (gu)
Natural landscape and general view of the town, in the background.
Thomas Camarillo
Mantiel (GU) / gualda ?
Solana Bridge. Missing. Between Durón and Mantiel. It saved the Tagus river at the foot of the place known as "Las Covatillas", currently flooded by the Entrepeñas reservoir.
Thomas Camarillo
Moranchel (gu)
General view of the town.
Thomas Camarillo
Gualda (GU)
General view of the town.
Thomas Camarillo
Padilla of the Duchy (GU)
Romanesque parish church with a belfry with two arches. Plateresque doorway, 16th century and coat of arms of the Segundino council.
Thomas Camarillo
Hench (GU)
Altarpiece of the Virgen del Rosario in the parish church of San Bartolomé. Missing
Thomas Camarillo
Padilla of the Duchy (gu)
General view of the town in the Hortezuela valley.
Thomas Camarillo
Hench (GU)
Romanesque doorway formed by pointed archivolts of the parish church of San Bartolomé, from the Romanesque-Gothic transition from the 13th or early 14th century.
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