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Cefihgu Publications
Thomas Camarillo
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Thomas Camarillo
Romances (GU)
Choir balustrade decorated with Plateresque elements as well as the wooden frieze that is under said choir. Parish Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception.
Thomas Camarillo
San Andrés del Rey (GU)
View of the town, on top of the Alcarreña plateau, overlooking the valley formed by the San Andrés stream.
Thomas Camarillo
Taragudo (GU)
parish cross. San Miguel Arcángel parish church.
Thomas Camarillo
Torija (GU)
Parish cross, seized during the last war; it was later improperly claimed as his own, and it is certain that it exists.
Thomas Camarillo
Tomellosa (GU)
General view of the town.
Thomas Camarillo
Tomellosa (GU)
General view of the town from the valley.
Thomas Camarillo
Torija (GU)
Custody of the eighteenth century.
Thomas Camarillo
padilla de Hita (GU)
General view of the town in the Badiel valley.
Thomas Camarillo
Tomellosa (GU)
General view of the town from the valley.
Thomas Camarillo
Haystacks (gu)
General view of the town in the valley formed by the stream that bears its name.
Thomas Camarillo
Torija (GU)
The roll or pillory, a symbol of villazgo, with a column with a fluted shaft and topped with a classical capital; century XVI.
Thomas Camarillo
Haystacks (GU)
Valley that forms the stream of its name, covered on its slopes by holm oaks and olive trees.
Thomas Camarillo
Haystacks (GU)
Valley that forms the stream of its name, covered on its slopes by holm oaks and olive trees.
Thomas Camarillo
rebollosa from Hita (GU)
General view of the Badiel valley with the Hita hill in the background.
Thomas Camarillo
rebollosa from Hita (GU)
General view of the town.
Thomas Camarillo
rebollosa from Hita (GU)
Paneling. Church.
Thomas Camarillo
Zorita Almonacid (GU)
Flamboyant Gothic doorway decorated with shields of the Catholic Monarchs and the Order of Calatrava. Parish church, late 15th century.
Thomas Camarillo
Miralrio (gu)
General view of the town on the sharp Alcarreña plateau, which rises between the deep valleys of Badiel and Henares.
Thomas Camarillo
Miralrio (GU)
Parish church, 16th century.
Thomas Camarillo
Muduex (GU)
Altar of Saint Joseph. Parish Church of the Nativity of Our Lady. Baroque carving of Saint Joseph with Child and Romanesque carving, 13th century, of Saint Anne suckling the Virgin.
Thomas Camarillo
springs (gu)
General view of the town and parish church.
Thomas Camarillo
Muduex (GU)
High altarpiece, Plateresque work, 16th century, with good paintings and carvings. Destroyed in the Civil War, 1936-1939.
Thomas Camarillo
Hontanares (GU)
Old woman in grove.
Thomas Camarillo
Muduex (GU)
Plaza Mayor with pillory and church in the background.
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