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Cefihgu Publications
Thomas Camarillo
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Thomas Camarillo
San Andrés del Congosto (GU)
Villagers in a popular rural architecture square.
Thomas Camarillo
Villacadima (gu)
Piety. Wood carving.
Thomas Camarillo
Somolinos (gu)
Lagoon a short distance from the town.
Thomas Camarillo
Somolinos (gu)
Natural landscape after the lagoon.
Thomas Camarillo
Somolinos (gu)
Natural landscape.
Thomas Camarillo
Somolinos (gu)
Flour factory.
Thomas Camarillo
Archilla (gu)
Natural landscape, bridge over the Tajuña river and town in the background.
Thomas Camarillo
Somolinos (gu)
Girls posing in a village street, at the exit of a twisted and narrow valley forged thousands of years ago by a glacier.
Thomas Camarillo
Archilla (gu)
The source environment.
Thomas Camarillo
The Toba (GU)
Baroque altarpiece, 18th century, on the main altar. Parish Church of San Juan Bautista.
Thomas Camarillo
Archilla (gu)
Main altarpiece, mid-16th century, from the parish church of La Asunción. Original lost.
Thomas Camarillo
The Toba (GU)
Processional cross, piece of Renaissance goldsmithing, work of the 16th century, signed by the silversmith Martín de Covarrubias.
Thomas Camarillo
parish cross.
Thomas Camarillo
rein (GU)
Transept and altarpiece of the parish church dedicated to Santa Marta.
Thomas Camarillo
rein (GU)
Altarpiece of Santa Marta. Currently in the Diocesan Museum of Sigüenza.
Thomas Camarillo
Palmaces de Jadraque (GU)
Landscape in the Cañamares river valley and town in the background.
Thomas Camarillo
Riofrio del Llano (GU)
Partial view.
Thomas Camarillo
Riofrio del Llano (GU)
Virgin of Antigua, XV century. Original in alabaster. Original lost.
Thomas Camarillo
romanillos de Atienza (GU)
Romanesque parish church, XII century.
Thomas Camarillo
Walls of Siquüenza (GU)
General view of the town, in a wide plain, at the foot of the mountains or highlands of Barahona.
Thomas Camarillo
atienza rollers (GU)
Main altarpiece of the parish church.
Thomas Camarillo
Riba de Santiuste (GU)
View of the town from the castle.
Thomas Camarillo
Riba de Santiuste (GU)
Ruins of the castle, settled on a steep hill formed by strong rocky synclines.
Thomas Camarillo
San Andrés del Congosto (GU)
Romanesque carving of the Virgin and Child, known by the name of Nuestra Señora de la Sopeña. Work of the thirteenth century. Ancient.
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