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Cefihgu Publications
Thomas Camarillo
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Thomas Camarillo
Canamares (GU)
General view of the town in the Cañamares river valley.
Thomas Camarillo
Atienza (GU)
Picture in the Hospital of Santa Ana.
Thomas Camarillo
Alcorlo (GU)
Natural landscape. Southern exit of El Congosto, with a small Roman bridge over the Bornova river.
Thomas Camarillo
Alcorlo (GU)
Natural landscape. Southern exit of El Congosto, with a small Roman bridge over the Bornova river.
Thomas Camarillo
Atienza (GU)
The Christ "of the four Nails", Gothic wood carving. Church of the Holy Trinity.
Thomas Camarillo
Alcorlo (GU)
Prehistoric cave of "Los Murciélagos" in the Congosto.
Thomas Camarillo
Alcorlo (GU)
Entrance to the prehistoric cavern of "Los Murciélagos" in the Congosto.
Thomas Camarillo
Alcorlo (GU)
View from the Romanesque portico of the church dedicated to El Salvador.
Thomas Camarillo
Atienza (GU)
Castle, keep, on a very high and elongated rock.
Thomas Camarillo
Atienza (GU)
Carving of the Christ of Forgiveness, the work of Luis Salvador Carmona 1753. On the main altar of the Hospital de Santa Ana.
Thomas Camarillo
Alcorlo (GU)
Interior of the church of San Salvador. Single nave, covered with wooden coffered ceiling and main altarpiece of Christ the Savior, first half of the 17th century. Simple Plateresque altarpiece with paintings and carvings. Original lost.
Thomas Camarillo
Angon (GU)
Street of typical popular mountain architecture.
Thomas Camarillo
Atienza (GU)
18th century fountain with carved figures of fish and a huge basin.
Thomas Camarillo
Atienza (GU)
Puerta de San Juan or Arrebatacapas Arch, in the high wall or "de la villa".
Thomas Camarillo
Atienza (GU)
Facade of the Town Hall, 18th century, with heraldic shield and arcades.
Thomas Camarillo
Atienza (GU)
Facade of the Town Hall, 18th century, with heraldic shield and arcades.
Thomas Camarillo
Alcorlo (GU)
Natural landscape with the village in the background.
Thomas Camarillo
Atienza (GU)
Romanesque apse of the church of the Trinity.
Thomas Camarillo
Atienza (GU)
Hospital de Santa Ana. Courtyard with stone columns.
Thomas Camarillo
Alcorlo (GU)
Natural landscape. Southern exit of El Congosto, with a small Roman bridge over the Bornova river.
Thomas Camarillo
Albendiego (GU)
Santa Coloma. Polychrome alabaster sculpture; XV-XVI century. Original lost.
Thomas Camarillo
Albendiego (GU)
Santa Coloma. Polychrome alabaster sculpture; XV-XVI century. Original lost.
Thomas Camarillo
Albendiego (GU)
Groups of people in a street with typical popular rural architecture.
Thomas Camarillo
Alcorlo (GU)
Prehistoric cave of "Los Murciélagos" in the Congosto.
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