Fernando Poyatos Fuster (Calahorra, 1933) from La Rioja by birth, considers La Alcarria his most intimate homeland, to which he has dedicated a good part of his photographic work and a still unpublished novel. Corresponding member of the Royal Spanish Academy (1993-), after his first years teaching at two universities in the United States, he moved in 1975 to the University of New Brunswick (Fredericton, Canada) from which he has retired as full professor and emeritus professor in 1998. For the last twenty years he has taught his main specialty, non-verbal communication, in the departments of Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology. He has organized international symposia in these and other disciplines and has given conferences in linguistics, psychology, literature, translation and interpreting, nursing, theater, etc.; in the United States, Canada, Latin America, Eastern and Western European countries, Israel, India and Japan, and in numerous Spanish universities. His books include up to now: Non-verbal communication, I: Culture, language and conversation; II: Paralanguage, Kinesics and interaction; III: New perspectives in the novel and theater and in its translation (1994). "Nonverbal communication in interpersonal relationships and with the environment" (1996). "The act of reading: its verbal-nonverbal reality" (1997). "Silences in living speech and in literature: for the realistic study of language and its environment" (1998). "Paralinguistic inventory of Don Quixote: complete corpus for its investigation" (1998). "Nonverbal behaviors as context and environment of oral discourse" (2003). "I was sick and you visited me: testimony of health ministry" (2002), on the subject of which he has given diocesan and parish courses. "Beyond the word: non-verbal communication in the liturgy" (2002), a topic also treated at the diocesan level and as a visiting professor at the Higher Institute of Liturgy in Barcelona (2002). In addition to exhibiting his photos and paintings, he has published a book with 60 of his own paintings, Impressions of Historic Fredericton (1998), articles with photos from Alcarria, such as "Castilian People of La Alcarria" (1996). His photographic collection is in CEFIHGU (Center for Photography and Historical Image of Guadalajara).