An absolute promoter of the AFG, of which he was its first secretary, and its second president (1958-1960), Antonio López-Palacios Cienfuegos (1925-1997) was one of the most virtuous photographers of that group of fans. An exceptional portrait painter and sensational nature photographer, he bought his first camera at the end of the 40s, with 600 pesetas lent to him by his then girlfriend, and later wife, Pepita Villaverde. "He was a fan of exhibitions and competitions... he never stopped taking photos for a moment," says his widow, who keeps juicy anecdotes, like the one about that night he spent awake, next to a window, with the firm intention of photographing. a lightning storm in all its fullness. Some of his photos have gone around Spain. López-Palacios ended up turning his hobby into a semi-professional situation, since, without leaving his job as an office worker, he carried out commissions for studios (he worked for the Camarillo and Luxonia houses), press and institutions. He was even the first correspondent for TVE in Guadalajara, since his passion for photography soon added to his fondness for photography. «He was taking photos all his life, constantly changing machines. He used one for a few years, resold it, and looked for a better one... until he finally managed to fulfill his great dream, to buy the 'Hassenblad', which was said to be the best in the world». López-Palacios's house, moreover, soon became a private laboratory, where not only he, but also many of his friends from the Guadalajara Photographic Group developed and printed prints.